Tuesday, 25.05, hotel "Dubna"




Welcome party (restaurant "Dubna")




Seminar takes place in the Dubna branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Leningranskaja 12


Wednesday, 26.05




Registration (Leningradskaja 12)


Opening of the Seminar


Fundamental properties of the neutron, UCN, related topics


Daum M.
Status of the Ultracold Neutron Source at PSI.


Geltenbort P. on behalf of V. Morozov et al.,
New results on transmission of UCN through plastic hoses.


Protasov K.
Theoretical description of centrifugal quantum states.


Coffee break


Frank A.I.
On the Possibility of Measuring the Gravitational Interaction of the Neutron with a Macroscopic Body.


Kustov D.
New experiment on observation of accelerating matter effect.


Vasiliev V.V.
Neutron: partial constants of beta decay. Concept and consequences.




Pokotilovski Yu. Options for the Neutron Lifetime Measurements in Traps.


Pokotilovski Yu. Neutron Experiments to Search for New spin-Dependent Interactions


Konobeevski E.
Study of neutron-neutron interaction in nd breakup reaction at low energies.


Crawford B.E.
Model of the gamma ray-induced out-gassing in the nn-scattering experiment at YAGUAR


Coffee break


Fundamental symmetries


Tchuvil'sky Yu.M.
Search for PT-invariance break up via thermal neutron source


Vesna V. A., Gledenov Yu. M., Nesvizhevsky V. V., Petukhov A. K., Sedyshev P. V., Soldner T., Shul’gina E. V.
Result on the measurements of the P-odd asymmetry of emitted g-quanta in the 10B(n,a)7Li* -> Li(g.st.) reaction with slow polarized neutrons.


Lyuboshitz V.V., Lyuboshitz V.L.
Low-energy elastic scattering of a polarized neutron on a polarized deuteron.




Thursday, 27.05




Chairman: Yu. Kopatch


Danilyan G.V., Klenke J., Krakhotin V.A., Novitsky V.V., Pavlov V.S., Shatalov P.B.
Search for T-odd correlations in prompt fission neutron emission in 235U fission induced by cold polarized neutrons  


Guseva I.S.
The estimation of ROT-effect for neutrons evaporated from fully accelerated fragments in binary fission.


Novitsky V.V.
The fission quanta and hypothesis of nuclear rotation at scission moment and TRI-violation.


Karpeshin F.
Angular correlations of gamma quanta from fission and the time scale.


Coffee break


Chairman: O.Shcherbakov


Furman W.I.
Time-dependent spectra of neutrons emitted in interaction of 1 and 4 GeV deuterons  with massive natural uranium and lead targets.


Goverdovsky A.A.
Delayed neutrons as a probe of prompt neutrons multiplication in uranium irradiating with GeV particles.


Ruskov I., Hambsch F.-J., Dematte L.
Resonance  Neutron  Induced  Fission  of  239Pu.




Chairman: A.Goverdovsky


Zeynalov Sh.
Prompt fission neutron emission from 252Cf(sf).


Sokolov V.E.
Investigations  of  the  angular  dependences  of  neutron-neutron
coincidences   from 233U,  235U ,  239Pu  AND  252Cf  fission    in   search  of   scission  neutrons


Shcherbakov O.A.
Spectrum of the impulse gamma radiation from the target-source of the neutron
time-of-flight spectrometer GNEIS.


Coffee break


Methodical aspects, detector development, nuclear structure


Chairman: A.Wagner


Bogdzel A.A., Panteleev T.T., Milkov V.M.
A neutron spectrometer on the basis of a proton telescope with electronic collimation of recoil protons.


Zhuravlev B.V., Lychagin A.A, Titarenko N.N, Demenkov V.G, Trykova V.I.
Nuclear level densities of 47V, 48V, 49V, 53Mn, 54Mn from neutron evaporation spectra


Sukhovoj  A.M., Khitrov  V.A.
Some practical limits on achievable precision of determination of nuclear-physics parameters.


Grudzevich O.
Equilibration of composite system formed by intermediate energy nucleons.




Friday, 28.05


Reactions with fast neutrons, nuclear data


Chairman: G. Kim


Wagner A.
Fast neutron reactions studied with the nELBE neutron time-of-flight facility.


Bondar V.
Production of prompt gamma-rays by fast neutrons on natural Bi, Fe and Cd.


Y. M. Gledenov, M. V. Sedysheva, Guohui Zhang, Jiaguo Zhang, Hao Wu, Jiaming Liu, Jinxiang Chen, G. Khuukhenkhuu, P. Szalanski
Measurements of the 64Zn and 67Zn (n, alpha) reactions cross sections in the MeV neutron energy region.


Coffee break


Chairman: B. Zhuravlev


Manwoo Lee, Kyung Sook Kim, Sung Chul Yang, Guinyun Kim, Vadim R. Skoy,  Moo-Hyun Cho, Won Namkung, Tae-Ik Ro, Yeong-Rok Kang
Measurement of neutron total cross-sections for Dy with a new DAQ system based on FADC.


Khryachkov V.A.
Experimental study of (n,alpha) reaction on a set of light nuclei.


Coffee break




Poster session








Saturday, 29.05


Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences




Frontasyeva M.V.
NAA for life sciences at FLNP JINR: present and future.


Zaichick S., Zaichick V., Karandashev V., Moskvina I.
Application of Neutron activation analysis and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to investigate Lanthanum and lanthanides contents in intact human rib bone.


Zaichick S., Zaichick V.
Neutron activation analysis of Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Sr contents in the enamel of primary teeth.


Tsibakhahsvili N., Mosulishvili L., Kirkesali E., Murusidze I., Frontasyeva M.V., Pavlov S.S., Zinicovscaia I.I., Bode P., and Th.G.van Meerten.
NAA for studying detoxification of Cr and Hg by Arthrobacter globiformis.


Coffee break



Gheboianu A., Popescu I. V., Frontasyeva M.V., Stihi C., Culicov O., Ene A.
Comparison of  FAAS and INAA in determining iron, zinc and manganese in mosses.


Golovina E.
Graphical interpretation of NAA results: Tver case study.


Reshunova E.
GIS-technologies in air pollution study in Serbia.


Gorelova S.
Biogeochemical variability of bushes in technogenic stress conditions using studies by instrumental neutron activation analysis.  


Closing of the seminar


Final coffee




POSTERS (28.05)


Khafizov R.
Optimal conditions for conducting the radiative neutron decay  experiment


Enik T.L., Mitsyna L.V., Nikolenko V.G., Parzhitski S.S., Popov A.B.,
Salamatin  I.M., Samosvat G.S.
Status of experiment for n,e-scattering length extraction from the anisotropy of slow neutrons scattered by noble gases.


Skorkin V.M.
Measuring neutron flux at the LNS-100 by means of the activation method.


Zaichick S., Zaichick V., Karandashev V., Nosenko C., Ermidou-Pollet S.,
Pollet S.
The effect of age on the lithium content in prostate of healthy men.


Jovancevic N.
The relative intensities of 56Fe gamma rays emitted after inelastic                                
scattering of neutrons produced by cosmic muons.


Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A.
On problems of experimental determination of reliable values of nucleus parameters at low excitation energy -60Ni as an example.


Sukhovoj  A.M., Khitrov  V.A.
Parameters of the best approximation for distribution of the reduce neutron widths. Specific of full-scale method of analysis.


Sukhovoj  A.M., Khitrov  V.A.
Parameters of the best approximation of reduced neutron widths distribution. Actinides.


Sukhovoj  A.M., Khitrov  V.A.
Parameters of the best approximation for distribution of the reduced neutron widths. The most probable density of neutron resonances in actinides.


Ene A., Stihi C., Popescu I.V., Bosneaga A., Gheboianu A.
XRF-AAS analysis of heavy metals in soils around of a ferrous metallurgical plant in Eastern part of Romania.


Churakov A.V.
Measurement of thermal neutrons bunches profile on installation IREN.


Chernikov A.N., Zhuravlev V.V., Buzdavin A.P, Ryom Gwang Chol, Trofimov V.N.
Development of laboratory cryostats in the cryogenics research group of


Baljinnyam Nyamsuren.
Epithermal neutron activation analysis of the Asian herbal plants.


Md. Shakilur Rahman, Kyung-Sook Kim, Manwoo Lee, Guinyun Kim, Moo-Hyun Cho, In Soo Ko, Won Namkung, and Tae-Ik Ro
Studies of multineutron photonuclear reactions in 89Y, 93Nb, and 197Au with bremsstrahlung beam.


Chilap V.
New aspects of study deep subcritical electronuclear systems and feasibility of their application for energy production and radioactive waste transmutation
Part 1: motivation, tasks and physical programme


Kadykov M.
New aspects of study deep subcritical electronuclear systems and feasibility of their application for energy production and radioactive waste transmutation
Part 2: "E&T-RAW" set up, measurement systems and techniques.


Bogdsel A.A., Enik T.L., Zhernenkov K.N., Kutuzov S.N.
High-speed neutron counter.


Kondratyev N.
Collinear cluster tri-partition of 252Cf(sf) - evidences in neutron gated data.


Kuznetsova E.
“Neutron belt" for COMETA setup.


Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Oprea A.I., Buzguta V. Researches by multivariate statistical methods of inorganic elemental content in human teeth.


Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Oprea A.I., Szalanski P.J. Neural network interpretation of analytical concentration data.


Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Oprea A.I., Maslov O.D., Belov A.G., Ciofu R. Food security and environmental changes.


Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Maslov O.D., Belov A.G., Oprea A.I., Niculescu M. Quantitative evaluation of essential elements and trace heavy metals in medicinal plants by photon neutron activation method.


Abdurashitov J.N., Gavrin V.N., Malyshkin Yu.M., Matushko V.L., Shikhin A.A., Yants V.E.
Simulation of low-background high efficiency capture-gated fast neutron spectrometer.


Khuukhenkhuu G., Gledenov Yu.M., Sedysheva M.V. and Odsuren M.
(n,a) Reaction Cross Section and Alpha Decay Probability of Nucleus.


Song Zhaohui
Silver Activation Detector For Measuring Bursts of 14MeV Neutrons.


Grigoriev Yu., Khlustin D., Mezentseva Zh., Ryabov Yu. Measurement of Neutron Total and Capture Cross-Sections on the TOF spegtrometers of Moscow Meson Factory.


Grigoriev Yu., Khlustin D., Mezentseva Zh., Ryabov Yu. Investigation of the sub-threshold Fission Cross Sections for Tn-232 and U-238.


Vorobyev A.
Investigation of the prompt neutron emission mechanism in low energy fission of U-233,235 and Cf-252.