Tuesday, 25.05, hotel "Dubna" |
16:30 |
Registration |
20:00 |
Welcome party (restaurant "Dubna") |
Seminar takes place in the Dubna branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Leningranskaja 12 |
Wednesday, 26.05 |
08:30 |
Registration (Leningradskaja 12) |
09:00 |
Opening of the Seminar |
Fundamental properties of the neutron, UCN, related topics |
09:00 |
Daum M. |
09:40 |
Geltenbort P. on behalf of V. Morozov et al., |
10:10 |
Protasov K. |
10:40 |
Coffee break |
11:10 |
Frank A.I. |
11:40 |
Kustov D. |
12:00 |
Vasiliev V.V. |
12:30 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Pokotilovski Yu. Options for the Neutron Lifetime Measurements in Traps. |
14:25 |
Pokotilovski Yu. Neutron Experiments to Search for New spin-Dependent Interactions |
14:50 |
Konobeevski E. |
15:20 |
Crawford B.E. |
15:40 |
Coffee break |
Fundamental symmetries |
16:10 |
Tchuvil'sky Yu.M. |
16:45 |
Vesna V. A., Gledenov Yu. M., Nesvizhevsky V. V., Petukhov A. K., Sedyshev P. V., Soldner T., Shul’gina E. V. |
17:15 |
Lyuboshitz V.V., Lyuboshitz V.L. |
Thursday, 27.05 |
Fission |
Chairman: Yu. Kopatch |
09:00 |
Danilyan G.V., Klenke J., Krakhotin V.A., Novitsky V.V., Pavlov V.S., Shatalov P.B. |
09:25 |
Guseva I.S. |
09:50 |
Novitsky V.V. |
10:15 |
Karpeshin F. |
10:40 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: O.Shcherbakov |
11:10 |
Furman W.I. |
11:35 |
Goverdovsky A.A. |
12:00 |
Ruskov I., Hambsch F.-J., Dematte L. |
12:25 |
Lunch |
Chairman: A.Goverdovsky |
14:25 |
Zeynalov Sh. |
14:50 |
Sokolov V.E. |
15:20 |
Shcherbakov O.A. |
15:50 |
Coffee break |
Methodical aspects, detector development, nuclear structure |
Chairman: A.Wagner |
16:20 |
Bogdzel A.A., Panteleev T.T., Milkov V.M. |
16:40 |
Zhuravlev B.V., Lychagin A.A, Titarenko N.N, Demenkov V.G, Trykova V.I. |
17:10 |
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A. |
17:40 |
Grudzevich O. |
19:00 |
Concert |
Friday, 28.05 |
Reactions with fast neutrons, nuclear data |
Chairman: G. Kim |
09:00 |
Wagner A. |
09:35 |
Bondar V. |
10:00 |
Y. M. Gledenov, M. V. Sedysheva, Guohui Zhang, Jiaguo Zhang, Hao Wu, Jiaming Liu, Jinxiang Chen, G. Khuukhenkhuu, P. Szalanski |
10:20 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: B. Zhuravlev |
10:50 |
Manwoo Lee, Kyung Sook Kim, Sung Chul Yang, Guinyun Kim, Vadim R. Skoy, Moo-Hyun Cho, Won Namkung, Tae-Ik Ro, Yeong-Rok Kang |
11:20 |
Khryachkov V.A. |
11:45 |
Coffee break |
12:05 |
Poster session |
16:00 |
Saturday, 29.05 |
Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences |
09:30 |
Frontasyeva M.V. |
10:00 |
Zaichick S., Zaichick V., Karandashev V., Moskvina I. |
10:30 |
Zaichick S., Zaichick V. |
11:00 |
Tsibakhahsvili N., Mosulishvili L., Kirkesali E., Murusidze I., Frontasyeva M.V., Pavlov S.S., Zinicovscaia I.I., Bode P., and Th.G.van Meerten. |
11:30 |
Coffee break |
12:00 |
Gheboianu A., Popescu I. V., Frontasyeva M.V., Stihi C., Culicov O., Ene A. |
12:30 |
Golovina E. |
13:00 |
Reshunova E. |
13:30 |
Gorelova S. |
14:00 |
Closing of the seminar |
14:10 |
Final coffee |
POSTERS (28.05) |
Khafizov R. |
Enik T.L., Mitsyna L.V., Nikolenko V.G., Parzhitski S.S., Popov A.B., |
Skorkin V.M. |
Zaichick S., Zaichick V., Karandashev V., Nosenko C., Ermidou-Pollet S., |
Jovancevic N. |
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A. |
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A. |
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A. |
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A. |
Ene A., Stihi C., Popescu I.V., Bosneaga A., Gheboianu A. |
Churakov A.V. |
Chernikov A.N., Zhuravlev V.V., Buzdavin A.P, Ryom Gwang Chol, Trofimov V.N. |
Baljinnyam Nyamsuren. |
Md. Shakilur Rahman, Kyung-Sook Kim, Manwoo Lee, Guinyun Kim, Moo-Hyun Cho, In Soo Ko, Won Namkung, and Tae-Ik Ro |
Chilap V. |
Kadykov M. |
Bogdsel A.A., Enik T.L., Zhernenkov K.N., Kutuzov S.N. |
Kondratyev N. |
Kuznetsova E. |
Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Oprea A.I., Buzguta V. Researches by multivariate statistical methods of inorganic elemental content in human teeth. |
Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Oprea A.I., Szalanski P.J. Neural network interpretation of analytical concentration data. |
Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Oprea A.I., Maslov O.D., Belov A.G., Ciofu R. Food security and environmental changes. |
Oprea C., Gustova M.V., Maslov O.D., Belov A.G., Oprea A.I., Niculescu M. Quantitative evaluation of essential elements and trace heavy metals in medicinal plants by photon neutron activation method. |
Abdurashitov J.N., Gavrin V.N., Malyshkin Yu.M., Matushko V.L., Shikhin A.A., Yants V.E. |
Khuukhenkhuu G., Gledenov Yu.M., Sedysheva M.V. and Odsuren M. |
Song Zhaohui |
Grigoriev Yu., Khlustin D., Mezentseva Zh., Ryabov Yu. Measurement of Neutron Total and Capture Cross-Sections on the TOF spegtrometers of Moscow Meson Factory. |
Grigoriev Yu., Khlustin D., Mezentseva Zh., Ryabov Yu. Investigation of the sub-threshold Fission Cross Sections for Tn-232 and U-238. |
Vorobyev A. |