CONTENTS
Neutron Sources, AcceleratorDriven Systems
Fast Neutron Spectrum Measurement in the Quinta Assembly of E+T RAW Collaboration
Bielewicz M., Strugalska-Gola E., Kilim S., Szuta M., Wojciechowski A., Tyutyunnikov S.
Neutron and Proton Radiation Testing of Electronic Components at the 1 GeV Synchrocyclotron of PNPI
Shcherbakov O.A., Vorobyev A.S., Gagarski A.M., Vaishnene L.A., Ivanov E.M., Artamonov S.A., Anashin V.S., Bakirov L.R., Koziukov A.E.
UCN, Neutrons Properties and Fundamental Interactions
About the Flaky Neutron-Optical Potential. Further Development of Approach
Alexandrov Yu.A., Anikin G.V., Anikin V.G.
Proposal of an Experiment to Investigate Properties of the Neutron Wave-Packet
Ignatovich V.K.
Calculating the Geometric Factor in a New Experiment on Radiative Neutron Decay
Khafizov R.U., Kolesnikov I.A., Nikolenko M.V., Tarnovitsky S.A., Tolokonnikov S.V., Torokhov V.D., Trifonov G.M., Solovei V.A., Kolkhidashvili M.R., Konorov I.V.
The Optical Model of Quasi-Confinement of Neutrino
Ratis Yu.L.
Chemical Properties of the Neutron Matter and Its Place in the Periodic System of Elements
Ryazantsev G.B., Lavrenchenko G.K., Khaskov М.А., Beckman I.N.
Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Data
Determination of Group Neutron Cross-Sections and Their Integral Characteristics for Minor Actinides by GRUCON Code Based on Estimated Data of ENDFB, JENDL, JEFF, BNAB
Grigoriev Yu.V., Koptelov E.A., Libanova O.N., Mezentseva Zh.V., Novikov-Borodin A.V., Sinitsa V.V.
Tuning Effect in Nuclear and Neutron Resonance Data
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Soroko Z.N., Sukhoruchkin D.S.
New Method of Spacing Analysis of All Nuclei
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Sukhoruchkin D.S
New Nuclear Binding Energies and Their Analysis
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Sukhoruchkin D.S.
Verification of the Practical Model of Cascade Gamma-Decay
Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V., Zeinalov Sh., Vu D.C., Jovancevic N., Knezevic D., Krmar M., Dragic A.
Representation of the Radiative Strength Functions in the Practical Model of Cascade Gamma-Decay
Vu D.C., Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V., Zeinalov Sh., Jovancevic N., Knezevic D., Krmar M., Dragic A.
Reactions with Fast Neutrons
Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis in Mining
Hramco C., Grozdanov D.N., Aliyev F.A., Kopatch Yu.N., Gundorin N.A., Bystritsky V.M., Borzakov S.B., Ruskov I.N., Skoy V.R.
Alpha-Cluster Formation Factor in (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections
Khuukhenkhuu G., Munkhsaikhan J., Odsuren M., Galsandamdin G., Gledenov Yu.M., Sansarbayar E., and Sedysheva M.V.
Measurement of the Energy Distributions of Neutrons from 7Li(d,n)8Be Reaction at Deuteron Energy 2.9 MeV by Activation Method
Mitrofanov K.V., Piksaikin V.M., Zolotarev K.I., Egorov A.S., Gremyachkin D.E.
Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences
Application of Tagged Neutron Method for Diamonds Detection in Kimberlite
Bystritsky V.M., Zubarev E.V., Rogov Yu.N., Sadovsky A.B., Sapozhnikov M.G., Tarasov O.G.
On the Possibility of Determining the Moisture Content in Furnace Coke with a BGO Scintillation Gama-Detector and a 239Pu-Be Neutron Source
Grozdanov D.N., Aliyev F.A., Hramco C., Kopatch Yu.N., Bystritsky V.M., Skoy V.R., Gundorin N.A., Ruskov I.N.
Assessment of Air Pollution in Vicinity of Phosphate Fertilizer Plant in Abu-Zabal City (Egypt) Using Vegetation and Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis
Hamada M.S., Nekhoroshkov P.S., Badawi M.S., Kopatch Yu.N., Fouad M.F., El-Khatib A.M., Abbas M.I., Yushin N.S., Zinkovskaya I.V., Hramco C., Borzakov S.B., Ruskov I.N., Grozdanov D.N.
Environmental Gamma-Ray Measurements of Naturally Radioactive Samples in the Region of Fertilizer Factories
Hamada M.S., Badawi M.S., Kopatch Yu.N., Fouad M.F., El-Khatib A.M., Abbas M.I., Hramco C., Borzakov S.B., Ruskov I.N., Grozdanov D.N.
Assessment of Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants in Southern Bulgaria Based on Neutron Activation Analysis of Moss Biomonitors
Hristozova G., Marinova S., Svozilik V., Frontasyeva M.V.
Elemental Composition of Three Bulgarian Medicinal Plants Studied by Means of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA)
Vasilev A., Hristozova G., Evstatieva L., Frontasyeva M.
Relationship between Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Sr Contents in the Intact Roots of Female Teeth Investigated by Neutron Activation Analysis
Zaichick V., Zaichick S.
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ag, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, and Zn Contents and Their Content to Zn Content Ratios in Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Zaichick V., Zaichick S.
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ag/Ca, Co/Ca, Cr/Ca, Fe/Ca, Hg/Ca, Rb/Ca, Sb/Ca, Sc/Ca, Se/Ca, and Zn/Ca Mass Fraction Ratios in Inflamed Bone
Zaichick V., Zaichick S.
Calculations, Methodical Aspects
A Position Sensitive Alpha Particle Detector Based on a LYSO Crystal and a Micro-Pixel Avalanche Photodiode
Ahmadov G.S., Ahmadov F.I., Kopatch Yu.N., Telezhnikov S.A., Nuriyev S.M., Sadigov A.Z., Sadygov Z.Y., Suleymanov S.S., Heydarov N., Valiyev R., Nazarov M., Akbarov R., Madatov R., Garibov A.A.
Measurements of Transition and Self-Indication Functions on Samples of Structural Materials
Grigoriev Yu.V., Hlustin D.V., Libanova O.N.
Pulse Formation on the Anode of Frisch-Gridded Ionization Chamber
Jaksybekov A., Svetov L., Sidorova O., Zeynalov Sh.
Neutron Spectra Measurement and Calculations Using Data Libraries CIELO, JEFF-3.2 and ENDF/B-VII.1 in Spherical Iron Benchmark Assemblies
Jansky B., Rejchrt J., Novak E., Losa E., Blokhin A., Mitenkova E.
Investigation of Luminescent Properties of CsI(Tl) Crystals with Different Activator Concentrations
Ketlerov V., Bondarenko I., Khryachkov V., Poryvaev V., Prusachenko P.
A New Fission Chamber Neutron Detector Based on Helium Scintillation
Qiu Mengtong, Zhang Xiaodong , Zhang Jianfu, Li Hongyun, Xia Liangbin, Zhang Xianpeng
Programs for Calculations of Neutron Resonance Parameters from Neutron Total and Fission Cross Sections
Popov A.B., Furman W.I.
Digital Spectrometer for Prompt Fission Neutrons Spectra Measurement
Prusachenko P., Bondarenko I., Ketlerov V., Khryachkov V., Poryvaev V.
Influence of Fast Neutrons on Current-Voltage Characteristics of HTc Multilayered Superconductors
Sosnowski J.
Modernized Experimental Setup KOLKHIDA Designed to Study the Interactions of Polarized Neutrons with Polarized Nuclei
Tsulaia M.I., Salamatin I.M., Salamatin K.M., Berikov D.B., Mareev Yu.D., Sirotin A.P.
Design and Technique of Aperture for Neutron Penumbral Imaging of Z-Pinch Diagnosis Process
Weng X., Hu H., Zhang T., Hei D., Qiu M.
On the ROT-Effects in Ternary and Binary Fission of 233U and 235U Nuclei Induced by Polarized Cold Neutrons
Danilyan G.V
Applications of Low-Pressure Gaseous Multiwire Detectors to Measurement of Angular Distributions of Nuclear Fission Fragments and for Monitoring of Neutron Beam Profile at Neutron TOF-Spectrometer GNEIS
Gagarski A.M., Vorobyev A.S., Shcherbakov O.A., Vaishnene L.A.
Shells, Anti-Shells and Modes in Nuclear Fission
Gönnenwein F.
Application of Calorimetric Low-Temperature Detectors for Investigation of Z-Distributions of Fission Fragments
Grabitz P., Dubey S., Echler A., Egelhof P., Mutterer M., Stolte S., Blanc A., Köster U., Kraft-Bermuth S., Scholz P., Bishop S., Gönnenwein F.
Optics with Fission Fragments
Granja C., Jakubek J., Kopatch Yu.N., Kraus V., Pospisil S., Telezhnikov S.A.,VykydalZ.
Measurements of Temporal Characteristics of Delayed Neutrons from Neutron Induced Fission of the Np-237 in Energy Range from 14.2 to 18 MeV
Gremyachkin D.E., Piksaikin V.M., Egorov A.S., Mitrofanov K.V.
New Detailed Study of n-n Correlations in Thermal Fission of 233U, 235U and 239Pu
Guseva I.S., Gagarski A.M., Sokolov V.E., Petrov G.A., Zavarukhina T.A.
Gamma-Decay in Light Nuclei. Borromean Halo, Tango Halo, and Halo Isomers
Izosimov I.N.
T-Invariance and Nuclear Fission
Kadmensky S.G.
Angular Distributions and Anisotropy of the Fission Fragments from Neutron-Induced Fission of 233U and 209Bi in Intermediate Energy Range 1–200 MeV
Vorobyev A.S., Gagarski A.M., Shcherbakov O.A., Vaishnene L.A., Barabanov A.L.
Prompt Fission Neutron Investigation in Thermal Neutron Induced Fission
Zeynalov Sh., Sedyshev P., Shvetsov V., Sidorova O.
Digital Pulse Processing Algorithms Developed for Fission Fragment Spectroscopy
Svetov L., Sidorova O., Zeynalov Sh.
Papers received after deadline
Isomeric States Produced in Nuclear Reactions on Indium
Oprea C., Oprea A., Macocian V., Filip S.