Neutron Facilities & Advanced Neutron Sources and Perspective Experiments
Development of Transportable Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source in XJTU
Wang S., Li H.P., Li X.B., Ma B.L., Yang S.H., Lv Y.S., Qiao Z.P., Hu Y.C., Jiang Q.X., Hu J.Q.
Neutron Detection & Methodical Aspects
Characteristics of Position-Sensitive Plastic Scintillation Detectors
Dabylova S.B., Simbirtseva N., Grozdanov D.N., Fedorov N.A., Yergashov A., Dashkov I.D., Kopatch Yu.N., Sedyshev P.V., Ruskov I.N., Skoy V.R., Tretyakova T.Yu. and TANGRA collaboration
Reconstruction of a HPGe Detector Modeling for Efficiency Calibration
Zhang Changfan, Hu Guangchun, Zeng Jun, Xiang Qingpei, Gong Jian
Neutron Radiation Effects & Radiation Transportation and Simulation
Investigation of Waste Management of Control Rod, Irradiation Boxes, and Steel Lining of Tehran Research Reactor after Decommissioning
Gholamzadeh Z., Joz Vaziri A., Mirvakili S.M.
Investigation of Heavy Water Loading in Neutron Beam Channel of Tehran Research Reactor to Decrease Fast Neutron Background at Diffraction Table
Gholamzadeh Z., Bavarnegin E., Joz Vaziri A., Safaei Arshi S., Mirvakili S.M.
Nuclear and Related Analytical Techniques in Environmental and Material Sciences
Important Tools in Air Quality Study: Moss Biomonitoring, Atmospheric Deposition, Trace Elements Content and Data Analysis
Allajbeu Sh., Qarri F., Bekteshi L., Stafilov T., Frontasyeva M., Lazo P.
Application of Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis for the Investigation of the Element Composition of the Panel from the Triptych (Presumably 17th Century)
Simbirtseva N.V., Sedyshev P.V., Mazhen S.T., Yergashov A., Dmitriev A.Yu., Ivchenkov V.L.
Lithium Level in the Prostate of the Normal Human: a Systematic Review
Zaichick V.
Measurement of Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Sr Contents and Ca/P Ratio in the Enamel of Permanent Teeth of Teenagers Using Neutron Activation Analysis
Zaichick V.
Age-Related Changes of Iodine/Trace Element Content Ratios in Intact Thyroid of Males Investigated by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescent Analysis
Zaichick V.
Nuclear Fission
Improvement of the Experimental Capability in Studies of the Cluster Effects in Heavy Nuclei
Kamanin D.V., Pyatkov Yu.V., Pospisil S., Rudenko M.O., Alexandrov A.A., Alexandrova I.A., Burian P., Goryainova Z.I., Holik M., Kuznetsova E.A., Korsten R., Meduna L., Ososkov G.A., Solodov A.N., Strekalovsky A.O., Strekalovsky O.V., Zhuchko V.E., Falomkina O.V., Pyt’ev Yu.P.
Hidden Variables in Angular Correlations of the Particles Emitted in Fission
Karpeshin F.F.
Post Scission Neutron Emission and Transformation of Fission Fragments Yield: Are the Regularities?
Maslyuk V.T., Parlag O.O., Romanyuk M.I., Lengyel O.I., Pop O.M., Svatyuk N.I.
Parametrization of Neutron Yields for the First Chance Photofission Fragments
Oleynikov E.V.,Lengyel A.I., Maslyuk V.T., Parlag O.O., Pylypchynec I.V.
Fundamental Properties of the Neutron & UCN
A Possible Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation Experiment at PF1B at the Institut Laue Langevin
Gudkov V., Klinby E., Meirose B., Milstead D., Nesvizhevsky V.V., Protasov K.V., Rizzi N., Santoro V., Snow W.M., Wagner R., Yiu S.-C.
Review of the Experiments Related to the Radiative Neutron Decay
Khafizov R.U., Kolesnikov I.A., Nikolenko M.V., Tarnovitsky S.A., Tolokonnikov S.V., Torokhov V.D., Trifonov G.M., Solovei V.A., Kolkhidashvili M.R., Konorov I.V.
The Problem of Creating Neutron Matter and Hyperheavy Nuclei in the Laboratory. Possible Instrumental Approach
Ryazantsev G.B., Vysotskii V.I., Lavrenchenko G.K., Nedovesov S.S.
On History of the Fermi Pseudopotential Concept in Atomic and Neutron Physics
Sharapov E.I.
Reactions with Neutrons, Properties of Compound States, Nuclear Structure
Isomeric Ratios in Several Inverse (γ, n) and (n, γ) Reactions
Bui Minh Hue, Tran Duc Thiep
Capture Neutron Cross Sections Measurements of Rare Earth Isotopes
Djilkibaev R.M., Khliustin D.V.
Generation of Radiocarbon C-14 in the Air in Conditions of Thunderstorms
Lyashuk V.I.
Analysis of Scattering Phase Shifts for Two-Clusters Systems
Odsuren M., Khuukhenkhuu G., Sarsembayeva A., Davaa S., Saikhanbayar Ch., MunkhErdene T., Batmyagmar J., Battsooj N.
Fast Proton Induced Processes on Natural Indium
Oprea C., Mihul A., Oprea I., Zgura S., Potlog M., Neagu A.
Alpha Emission in Fast Neutrons Reaction on Neodymium Nucleus
Oprea C., Oprea A.
Systematical Analysis of (n,2n) Reaction Cross Sections for 14‒15 MeV Neutrons
Ch. Saikhanbayar, G. Khuukhenkhuu, M. Odsuren, Yu.M. Gledenov, E. Sansarbayar, Guohui Zhang
Excitation Functions of Neutron-Induced Reactions of Medical Isotopes 32P, 55Fe, 74As, 97Ru, 103Ru and 109Pd
Singh N., Gandhi A., Sharma A., Choudhary M., Kumar A.
Neutron Resonances in the Global Constituent Quark Model
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Soroko Z.N., Sukhoruchkina M.S., Sukhoruchkin D.S.
Fundamental Aspects of Neutron Spectroscopy
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Soroko Z.N., Sukhoruchkina M.S.
Nonstatistical Effects in Resonances of Heavy Nuclei
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Soroko Z.N., Sukhoruchkina M.S.
An Inverse-Problem Solving by the Example of 238U(n,2γ)239U Reaction Analysis
Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V., Hramko C.