CONTENTS
Neutron Sources, Accelerator Driven Systems
The Problem of the Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Errors and Proposed Solution in the Scheme with Regulated Spectrum
Lyashuk V.I.
Neutrons Properties and Fundamental Interactions
Estimations of the Inelastic Interaction of Neutrons with Nanostructured Media at Low Energies and Temperatures
Artem'ev V.A., Nesvizhevsky V.V., Nezvanov A.Yu.
Optical Observation of Hydrogen and Deuterium Crystal Growth and Implications for Ultracold Neutron Transmission Experiments
Doege S., Hingerl J., Morkel C., Lauss B., Hild N., Jenke T.
Measurement of P-Odd Asymmetry of α-Particle Emission in the 10B(n,α)7Li Nuclear Reaction
Gledenov Yu.M., Nesvizhevsky V.V., Sedyshev P.V., Shul’gina E.V., Szalanski P., Vesna V.A.
Macroscopic Manifestation of the Strong Nuclear Interaction in the Optical Spectra of Solids
Plekhanov V.G.
Time-Dependent Long Range Nuclear Forces
Ratis Yu.L.
The Neutron Matter as «the Beginning» and «the End» of the Periodic System of D.I. Mendeleev
Ryazantsev G.B., Beckman I.N., Lavrenchenko G.K., Buntseva I.M., Lavrik A.V.
Numerical Calculation of the Neutron Wave Packet Interaction with an Oscillating Potential Barrier
Zakharov M.,Frank A., Kulin G., Goryunov S.
Fast Neutron Induced Reactions
Silicon Two-Dimensional Position-Sensitive Fast Neutron Detector for Beam Profile Measurement
Aliyev F.A., Zamyatin N.I., Bystritsky V.M., Fedorov N.A., Grozdanov D.N., Hramco C., Kopatch Yu.N., Ruskov I.N., Skoy V.R., Slepnev V.M., Yurkov D.I., Barmakov Yu.N. and TANGRA collaboration
Angular Distribution of Gamma Rays from the Inelastic Scattering of 14 MeV Neutrons on Light Nuclei
Fedorov N.A., Tretyakova T.Yu., Kopatch Yu.N., Bystritsky V.M., Grozdanov D.N., Aliyev F.A., Ruskov I.N., Skoy V.R., Hramco C. and TANGRA collaboration
Measurements of Gamma Rays from the Inelastic Scattering of 14.1 MeV Neutrons Using the Tagged Neutron Method
Grozdanov D.N., Kopatch Yu.N., Bystritsky V.M., Fedorov N.A., Aliyev F.A., Hramco C., Ruskov I.N., Skoy V.R., Tretyakova T.Yu., Bogolyubov E.P., Yurkov D.I. and TANGRA collaboration
Nuclear Reactions with 14 MeV Neutrons on Molybdenum Isotopes
Oprea C., Oprea A.I.
Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Data
About the Flaky Structure of Atomic Nucleus. Further Development of Analysis
Alexandrov Yu.A., Anikin G.V., Anikin V.G.
Experimental Gamma Cascade Intensity Distributions from the 171Yb(n,γ) Reaction
Anh N.N., Khang P.D., Hai N.X., Thang H.H., Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V., Vu D.C.
Two Methods of the Determination of the Parities of Low-Lying States in 159Gd from Analysis of the γ-Ray Intensities from Reaction 158Gd(nres,γ)159Gd
Granja C., Kubasta J., Pospisil S., Telezhnikov S.A.
Cross Sections Structure Research at INR Spallation Neutron Source Installation INES
Khliustin D.V., Djilkibaev R.M., Vasilev I.A.
Neutrons in Light Nuclei and Neutron Transfer in Reactions with Light Nuclei
Naumenko M.A., Samarin V.V.
Symmetry Motivated Analysis of Particle Mass Data
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Soroko Z.N., Sukhoruchkin D.S.
Combined Analysis of Nuclear Data and Particle Masses
Sukhoruchkin S.I., Soroko Z.N., Sukhoruchkina M.S.
On Features of a Method for the Superfluidity Investigation at Nuclear Excitations below the Neutron Binding Energy
Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V., Vu D.C., Anh N.N., Hai N.X., Khang P.D., Thang H.H.
The Features of the Cascading Decay of 172Yb Nucleus in the 171Yb(nth,2γ) Reaction
Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V., Hai N.X., Anh N.N., Khang P.D., Thang H.H., Vu D.C.
Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences
Application of Nondestructive Neutron Resonance Analysis for Investigation of Metal Composition of Reskuporid V Staters (3 Century AD) from Phanagoria’s Treasure
Bazhazhina N.V., Abramzon M.G., Ergashov A.M., Mareev Yu.D.,Mazhen S.T., Saprykina I.A., Sedyshev P.V., Shvetsov V.N.
Assessment of Changes in the Mineral Composition of the Brown Alga Сystoseira Barbata (Turn.) C. Ag., Collected along the Coast of Anapa
Bunkova O.M., Kamnev A.N., Kravtsova A.V., Ermakov I.P., Rudchenko M.N., Stukolova I.V., Yakovlev A.S.
Assessing the Environmental Pollution Using Neutron Activation Analysis – K0 Method on Mosses
Bucsa A.F.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in Southern Bulgaria Based on Moss Biomonitors, Neutron Activation Analysis and Inductively Coupled
Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Hristozova G., Marinova S., Frontasyeva M.V.
Determination of the Cosmic Dust from the ISON Comet in the Moscow Region
Gustova N.S., Maslov O.D., Gustova M.V., Drobina T.P., Belov A.G.
Study of Neutron Irradiation-Induced Color in Topaz at the Pulsed Reactor IBR-2
Khatchenko Yu., Enik T., Kovalenko M., Ryabukhin O., Bulavin M., Verkhoglyadov A., Borzakov S., Khramko K., Kulikov S., Tyutyunnikov S., Yuldashev B.
Neutron Activation Analysis for Ecological State Assessment of Coastal Ecosystems of the Black Sea
Nekhoroshkov P., Kravtsova A., Frontasyeva M., Duliu O., Kamnev A., Yushin N., Zinicovscaia I.
INAA and ICP-MS in the Investigation of Cadmium/Trace Element Content Ratios in Malignant Prostate Gland
Zaichick V., Zaichick S.
Relationship between Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Sr Contents in the Intact Roots of Male Teeth Investigated by Neutron Activation Analysis
Zaichick V., Zaichick S.
Application of Neutron Activation Analysis for the Measurement of Br, Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Mn, and Na Contents in the Intact Thyroid of Female
Zaichick V., Zaichick S.
Methodical Aspects
Evaluation of Neutron Induced Cross Section Data Using EMPIRE 3.2.2 and TALYS 1.8 Codes
Gandhi A., Roy B.J., Mishra V., Rai N.K., Kumar V., Sawant Y., Nayak B.K., Saxena A., Mukherjee S., Singh N.L., Kopatch Yu.N., Ruskov I.N., Kumar A.
Neutron Diffractometry Channel Optimization to Obtain the Highest Neutron Flux and the Least Fast Neutron Noise
Gholamzadeh Z., Bavrngin E., Lamei Rashti M., Mirvakili S.M., Joze-Vaziri A.
Potential Investigation of 99Mo Production via UO2SO4 Liquid Targets Containing natu in a 5 MW Research Reactor
Gholamzadeh Z., Davari A., Joze-Vaziri A., Mirvakili S.M.
Geometry Optimization of Uranyl Nitrate Liquid Target System for 99Mo Production Using 30 MeV Proton Cyclotron
Gholamzadeh Z., Mohammadi S., Mirvakili S.M., Faghihi F.
The Ion and Gamma Backgrounds in the Experiment on Radiative Neutron Decay
Khafizov R.U., Kolesnikov I.A., Nikolenko M.V., Tarnovitsky S.A., Tolokonnikov S.V., Torokhov V.D., Trifonov G.M., Solovei V.A., Kolkhidashvili M.R., Konorov I.V.
Isomers Production of Sn Nucleus in Nuclear Reactions Induced by Photons and Fast Protons
Oprea C., Oprea A.I.
The Detailed Response Function Investigation of the Fast Neutrons Spectrometer Based on the Stilbene Crystal
Prusachenko P.S., Khryachkov V.A., Ketlerov V.V.
The Absolute Neutron Flux Measurement at the Van de Graaff Accelerator of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
Sansarbayar E., Assylova A., Sedysheva M.V., Chuprakov I.A., Oprea A.
A Sequential Coded Apertures Imaging System
Wang D., Lychagin E.V., Hu H., Kopatch Yu.N., Ruskov I.N.
Position Sensitive Twin Ionization Chamber for Nuclear Fission Investigations
Zeynalov Sh., Sedyshev P., Sidorova O., Shvetsov V., Svetov L.
A Proton Imaging System for Magnetic Proton Recoil Neutron Spectrometer
Zhang J.,Zhang X., Ruan J., Yang S., Liu J., Chen L., Liu L., Ma J.
Anisotropy in the Fragments Emission from Fission Induced by Intermediate Energy Neutrons (1–200 MeV) in natPb and 239Pu
Gagarski A.M., Vorobyev A.S., Shcherbakov O.A., Vaishnene L.A., Barabanov A.L.
Study of Prompt Neutron Emission in 235U(n,f) at the GELINA Facility
Göök A., Hambsch F.-J., Oberstedt S.
Dependence of ROT-Effect on Light Charged Particle Energy in Ternary Fission of 235U Induced by Polarized Neutrons
Guseva I., Gagarski A., Gönnenwein F., Gusev Yu.
Measurements of the Temporal Characteristics of Delayed Neutrons from Neutron Induced Fission of 241Am in the Energy Range from 14.2 to 18 MeV
Gremyachkin D.E., Piksaikin V.M., Egorov A.S., Mitrofanov K.V.
The Angular and Spin Distributions of the Binary and Ternary Low-Energy Nuclear Fission Products and the Transverse Wriggling- and Bending-Vibrations of the Compound Fissile Nuclei
Kadmensky S.G.
The Quantum-Mechanical Nature of TRI- and ROT-Asymmetries in the Reactions of the Ternary Fission of Nonoriented Target-Nuclei by the Cold Polarized Neutrons
Kadmensky S.G., Bunakov V.E.
Coaxial Fission for Three Comparable Mass Fragments as a Consequence of the Collective Model of Nucleus
Karpeshin F.F.
Measurement of T-Odd Effects in the Neutron Induced Fission of 235U at a Hot Source of Polarized Resonance Neutrons
Kopatch Yu.N., Novitsky V.V., Ahmadov G.S., Gagarsky A.M., Berikov D.B., Zhumadilov K.Sh., Danilyan G.V., Hutanu V., Klenke J., Masalovich S.
Features of the Time Dependence of the Intensity of Delayed Neutrons in the Range of 0.02 s in the 235U Fission by Thermal and Fast Neutrons
Mitrofanov K.V., Piksaikin V.M., Egorov A.S., Mitrofanov V.F., Gremyachkin D.E., Samylin B.F.
To the Question of Verification of Collinear Cluster Tri-Partition (CCT)
Pyatkov Yu.V., Kamanin D.V., Alexandrov A.A., Alexandrova I.A., Goryainova Z.I., Malaza V., Kuznetsova E.A., Strekalovsky A.O., Strekalovsky O.V., Zhuchko V.E.
Angular and Energy Distributions of the Prompt Fission Neutrons from Thermal Neutron-Induced Fission of 239Pu
Vorobyev A.S., Shcherbakov O.A., Gagarski A.M., Val’ski G.V., Petrov G.A.